Sunday, 3 January 2010

Chicago Blues: A Living History (Part I)

Grammy nominated Chicago Blues: A Living History is being hailed by critics,musicians and music historians worldwide as the greatest tribute of our time to the Blues!!


  1. In French :

    Bonjour à tous !

    Je suis très heureux de la nomination aux Grammy awards. Larry le mérite bien ainsi que tous les musiciens embarqués dans cette magnifique aventure. Bravo également à Aulnay-sous-bois pour son courage et sa prise de risques.
    Je tiens à salueer chaleureusement et particulièrement Billy Flinn, Kenny "Beedy-eyes" Smith (Mister Mac Do !), Felton Crews, Matthew Skoller et Lurie Bell que j'ai eu la chance de cotoyer.

    Ce band est extraordinaire. Le double CD est fabuleux. J'ai hâte de vous voir en live lors de votre prochaine tournée en France !

    Blues is Beautifull...

    In English :

    Hello everyone!

    I am very pleased with the nomination for Grammy awards. Larry deserves it and all the musicians embarked on this magnificent adventure. Congratulations also to Aulnay-sous-Bois for her courage and risk taking.
    I am greeted warmly and especially Billy Flinn, Kenny "Beedy-Eyes" Smith (Mister Mac Do!), Felton Crews, Matthew Skoller and Lurie Bell that I had left behind.

    This band is amazing. The double CD is fabulous. I look forward to seeing you live at your next tour in France!

    Blues is Beautifull ...


  2. Merci Jean Michel and long life to the Blues!
